Why Profit is Mandatory

I have to snicker every time I overhear some naive 20 something faux-intellectual blather on about about "bad" profit is.

"Profit is evil."
"Profit is bad."
"How dare you profit off of (fill in the blank here)"
"Excessssssss profits"

And the reason I laugh is because saying "profit is bad" is like saying,

"gravity is bad"


"water is bad"


"the laws of physics are bad."

So let us all pour ourselves a very cappy cap drink, saddle in, and enjoy ourselves a much-needed lesson in the concept of "profit.".

When people hear "profit" they usually associate it ONLY with profits that are begotten by businesses.  Corporate profits, Wall Street, 401k's, etc.,  But profit in the literal sense is merely "excess money" or "excess resources."

For example if I start a business and I invest $20,000 in doing so, and that company then generates $30,000 in sales, that excess $10,000 in money is profit.  This is the example we are all familiar with, but this concept can be applied elsewhere.

Say an individual has an option to stay at home on Saturday day.  He isn't going to go to work without having some kind of incentive to work.  So in order for him to get off his butt and work you are going to have to pay him.  You are going to have to pay him an amount of money that is more valuable to him than his leisure.  i.e. - you are going to have to make it profitable for him.

In other words, profit doesn't just apply to just those evil, rich private sector businesses, but EVERY single economic entity in the world.

and yes, even (ironically)

And the reason why is very simple - nothing would get done without the incentive for profit.  None of those economic actors would go into action, labor away, or produce anything without it.

Leftist of a particularly idiotic and idealistic stripe contest otherwise.  They often pine wistfully for a "world without profits."  But simply ask yourself what kind of a world would that be?

Without profits not one single business would be started.  Why would any would-be entrepreneur sacrifice his time, his money, and his labor NOT to make any money?  And with no businesses who, precisely, would be producing all the goods and services you and all those lovey lefties need to survive? (just ask those Venezuelans about toilet paper and electronics).  This goes a long way in explaining why there were lines for simple staples like BREAD in the Soviet Union.

Also without profits why would anybody go to work?  I'm not allowed to keep the fruits of my labor?  Forget the fact no companies are hiring because none exist because profit has been outlawed; people wouldn't show up to the work in the first place if they weren't getting paid.

What about all the suppliers, consultants, energy providers, accountants, lawyers, and other third parties that go into supporting a business?  If they are not allowed to profit why would anybody provide internet access to the company, computers, legal services, etc. if there was no profit?  What the left (and most non-accounting people on the right) fail to realize is that it isn't just the "evil rich business owners" that gets profits, but all his suppliers, vendors, employees, he pays.  In other words ALL of his expenses are other people's profits.

And finally, the favorite den of leftists - government and non-profit.

The ultimate hypocrisy I've ever witnessed of the left is their constant villainization of wealth, money, and profit, but in the same breath their CONSTANT clamoring for more of it.

The public baby-sitters schools are CONSTANTLY begging for more money.
The non-profits are ALWAYS short of cash. 
The universities just need more money for those poor children

but not one of these hypocritical fucks ever live up to their "charitable image" accepting lower pay or (GASP!) actually VOLUNTEERING.

No, I'm terribly sorry, profit is an absolute necessity for this or any other economy to work.  And the only people who advocate otherwise are the types too lazy to expend the 5 minutes of effort to think their ideology through.


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