But there are other ways corporations become the moldable, amoral entities that they are and that is when they lose their spines and just do whatever the government tells them.
For example HR and diversity.
40 years ago corporations could have said, "No, we're not doing this diversity thing. We're hiring the best people, period. And no, we're not creating a whole new department out of cloth to employ women. We don't need 25 year old ditzes screening applicants. We need the bosses and managers screening their own labor." But they didn't. They swallowed it whole because they thought the marketing and PR benefits of seeming like a "kind and caring" corporation would outweigh the costs. Now you have day care centers, flex-schedules, etc., that frankly disproportionately benefit women while foisting additional work and costs on men and childless women in the work place.
Combine this along with the 20 year battle I've had with HR ditzes, and my loyalty to corporations as a political ally has all but vanished. But if there was any glimmer of hope that maybe corporations would have an ounce of sanity, that maybe there are people getting into the upper echelons of corporate management that realize the threat socialism is posing to the west, it was snuffed out with this:
I couldn't believe it when I heard Joe Soucheray mention it, but yes, fellow economists, lieutenants, agents in the field, corporate America has decayed so much and lost all sense of sanity that it now regularly employs...
"Chief Sustainability Officers."
Naturally, it would fall under the domain of HR as no accounting, engineering, or "real" division within a company would tolerate such tripe. But what is important to learn from this is that corporations are no longer viable long-term solutions to your employment. They aren't sane entities where common sense and logic rule, and a hard working sane individual will succeed. They are increasingly becoming politicized entities that if you work there it would be like working in a psych ward. Worse, it requires that you must play politics, tow the company's "sustainability" line, donate to the United Way, and engage in "Bene Gesserit"-style manipulation to advance.
What this means for you, especially younger people, is that your efforts to find long-term, sane employment are probably better spent looking at smaller companies, self-employment, or companies with a strong, conservative history. You don't want some company that is so large it has HR ditzes screening at the front door, and you CERTAINLY don't want a company that is foolish enough to waste its money on things like a CSR or "sustainability" department. Of course, you could be a soulless sociopath, in which case you'd excel in such an environment! Hell, in 20 years time maybe you could head up the newly formed "Gaia" department. But for the rest of us, it seems the route to a successful career via the traditional large corporation has been closed.
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