Uh Oh! You're Going to Be Referenced in a College Paper!

A funny thing is happening, but it is a testament to how much those little collegiate kiddies are getting brainwashed in school instead of receiving an actual education.  It's happened to me three times, Matt Forney once, and I believe a handful of other people who don't come to mind right now:

A college student reads/views/hears something you said on teh interwebz and goes out of their way to inform you in a snarky tone that they are


going to cite you for their college paper as an example of "facism" or "racism" or "narcissism" or blabbity blah blah blah!!!!!

Ha!  Take that mean, adult who lives in the real world and says things that hurt my feeeeelingssssss!  I'll show you!

Oh horror of horrors.

You're going to be "cited" in

not a college term paper
not any genuine academic research
not any kind of professional academic journal

but some freshman comp or psych 101 paper or presentation by 19 year old Twiddly McGoo.

I think you can sleep soundly tonight.

Humor aside, yes it's childish, it's cute, and it's entertaining, but the only reason I bring it up is because it's something I think that will become a trend.  Realize you have little leftist ego-maniacs who think they know how the real world works and are (of course) super intelligent and educated just because they passed the 12th grade.  They are now in "college" and their leftist crusaderism is only reinforced by their professors.  They do some googling for a paper on "racism/sexism/etc." and because of the alt-right's increasing presence, we come up #1 on google.  Boom!  They have a cornucopia of material they can use in the Hate Malecapitalismfreedomprofitlibertyamerica Studies class.  But they just can't use it.  No their egos are too big for that.  They need to inform you of what they're doing.  And thus why you'll get an e-mail or post or something informing you how you will be the center of ridicule in some class in some college some place.

In any case I find it bemusingly adorable, but still wanted to let you all know what I'm seeing popping up on my radar so when/if it happens to you, you can pat the little tykes on the head.
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