When Your Voter Base Is Full of Idiots

I worked in the lower castes of the banking system.  Never worked at Goldman Sachs, was ever so briefly an "analyst" at Norwest, but after that it was pretty much the bottom of the barrel for me:

Credit unions and community banks.

This meant taking on the clients that the upper, mid, and regional banks didn't want.  Our clientele was by far the dumbest people in the population, and because of their idiocy, they were also the worst in terms of personal finances.  And this is not an opinion.  The last bank I worked for actually liked problem clients because (get this):

they always had to pay late fees and were thusly sometimes our most profitable clients.

Forget quality clients that pay you back on time.  Forget reliable depositors and checking clients who always made sure they never overdrafted.

No, our business plan was to keep the degenerates of society because we could nail them with fees.

Thus, why I'm not surprised that a full 25% of Obamacare applications have errors on them.

Like credit unions and community banks, people who are applying for Obamacare are likely the dregs of society.  They're unable to support themselves financially, and so you shouldn't expect them to be able to fill out an application correctly.  And frankly, I'm surprised it's as low as 25%.  But what I really love about this is not that Obamacare is failing because it's technology is being implemented by incompetent liberals, and not that it's failing because of its own crushing bureaucratic weight, but because the intended users are just too damn stupid to use it effectively.

This is a real problem the left is going to have to face.  If it gets so big, and it gets so much of what it wants, it not only has to rely on lesser talented people to implement and manage these programs, but rely on their idiotic voter base to use it AND appreciate it.  But since they've dumbed them down so much with K-College education, it's too complicated for their voter base to use, thus appreciate it.

it is the blind leading the blind, and I am enjoying watching it as I enjoy the decline.
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