A Question for the Sphere - Are You Better Off Than You Were 4 Years Ago?

Ronald Reagan in his 1980 presidential campaign asked a very simple question - are you better off than you were 4 years ago.

The answer for the majority of Americans was a resounding "no."

Four years later he would ask the same question, and the answer for the majority of Americans was a resounding "yes," and he then went on to re-election.

But this question asked over 30 years ago in the political arena is one that needs to be asked today of every reader, follower, viewer, and listener of The Manosphere, the Econo-sphere, and any other alt-right sphere:

Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago?

And I'm going to bet it's a resounding "Hell yes."

The origins and precise date that these various alternative spheres started is up for debate.  And truthfully I don't think "Fred on Anything" or "Roissy" or Tom Leykis or "Matt Drudge" care when it was or who started it as it is truly an altruistic endeavor or intellectual labor of love for them.  But we can generally agree that the 'sphere (which ever one you want to consider yourself a part of) didn't start gaining significant readership until about four years ago.  I know using my own personal traffic statistics, I'm up about 10 fold since 2009.  And given the anecdotal evidence of Google Trends, MSM attention, etc., it seems "the 'spheres" have enjoyed exponential growth over those same four years.  Ergo, there are probably millions of young men who discovered us, are following us, and have continued to follow us for the past four years. 

But are we doing any good?  Are we making any progress?  And it is here that I'm supremely confident that we are.

There's not a day that goes by that I don't get a "thank you" e-mail from some young (or not so young) guy who tells me how he was miserable until his discovered the 'sphere.  I've even received thanks from women who tell me how much my and others' blogs helped her turn her life around be it career, mothering, of being a wife.  And an increasing percentage of my choir is coming from minorities who appreciate me laying down the law, telling them like it is, and not kissing their ass like some SWPL pussy, but kicking their ass like a loving father.  And though I have no statistical proof of it, I would bet my motorcycle that we have done more to advance, help, and improve the lives of millions of people IN A SINCERE, PRACTICAL, AND TANGIBLE WAY more than any government program, more than any feel-good affirmative action program, and more than any astro-turf non-profit, PSA, bullshit lefty "initiative" ever did.

But the key thing is to denote why.

Why is it such a "hated," "evil," "racist," "bigoted," "misogynistic," hate-filled segment of the internet managed to do so much good?  Why is it such a vile group of basement-dwelling vermin get such praise?

The answer is simple -

We have the balls to tell the god damned truth.

Realize the paradox or dichotomy writers, bloggers, "vloggers," authors, and podcasters in these alternate 'spheres face: 

Obey, get rewarded, but never be free


Disobey, speak the truth, get punished, but be free

And 100% of your alternative 'sphere bloggers chose the latter.  We don't have the patience, we don't have the tolerance, and we actually respect ourselves and our fellow man too much to swallow whole and parrot the commie, leftist, feminist script.  We don't care how much it costs us in terms of our careers, our housing, our families, and our futures, because a life of lies is just not worth the McMansion in the suburbs, a confiscatable 401k, student debts, worthless degrees, divorce and false accusations of "ism."

And so with nothing left to lose we speak the truth.  And it's the truth  that people are starving for.

Be it the average American male who's been lied to about what women want, that he should be "sweet" and "kind" and "sensitive."

Be it the poor black man who's been lied to that he shouldn't try because he's been discriminated against by "evil white people" and should hold out for a government check instead of majoring in engineering.

Or be it the woman who deep down inside wants to be a stay at home mom and raise kids, but has been berated for not wanting to become a "powerful lawyer executive supreme awesome independent woman."

we come outright and say not only what's on people's minds, but explain to them with logic, facts, data, and morality why it's OK to think or desire those things.  We give them hope, we give them truth, we give them reality, no matter how harsh and unpleasant it may be compared to the lies and bullshit Oprah, the media, the government, politicians and the education industry tell them, because in the end it is only the truth that matters.

In short, it is simply adhering to The Reality Principle that not only makes our 'spheres a success but gives our readers practical, functional, and effective advice because...

it's based in reality

not politics, lies, propaganda and bullshit.

So, riddle me this, riddle me that readers, viewers, listeners, lieutenants, economists, children and agents in the field:

Are you better off than you were 4 years ago?  Has the Manosphere, Androsphere, Econosphere, etc., improved your lives?  Are you in better financial shape?  Are you in better physical shape?  Are you in better mental shape?  Do you have some modicum of hope?  And is your life not better?

Because understand I'm not looking for a particular answer.  I merely want the truth.  But I'm going to bet my bottom dollar the alternative 'spheres have done more good, helped more people, and advanced more lives (not to mention saved some people's sanity) than the trillions of dollars the government has spent on social programs and thousands of hours of Oprah-spew ever has.  Because we have something even better than trillions of dollars and a cable network with a bloviating woman:

Reality and the truth.

And that is the only thing that can genuinely help out your fellow man.

Enjoy the decline.
You have just read the article entitled A Question for the Sphere - Are You Better Off Than You Were 4 Years Ago?. Please read the article from Captain Sushil Kumar About https://captainsushilkumar.blogspot.com/2013/12/a-question-for-sphere-are-you-better.html


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