Low Level Employees Are Only Worth 1/847th of an Executive

The math is in and it appears that entry level, low level employees at various corporations are only 1/847th the value of corporate executives.

After spitting out illegitimate children, majoring in stupid shit, expecting the world to pay for them, and in general making bad decisions all around, their productive capacity as measured by the labor market shows them to produce a meager .001 of economic value that their better educated, harder working counterparts do.  

Efforts have been made to increase the productive capacity of society's lowest class so that they too may be able to tell what the difference is between a debit or credit is, why you shouldn't breed before you're 20, and how learning basic math skills is required to make it out of poverty.  But despite trillions of dollars spent on the public education system, all it seems to have done is brainwash people into a entitlement mentality and enrich a class of education majors.  There still (amazingly) seems to be some genuinely stupid (or lazy) people in the country who will never ever manage the intellectual or tradesmanship muster to produce more than 1/10th of one penny the production for every dollar their executive counterparts have.

End Sarcarm...though only slightly

Let me ask you people this.

Why is it we look at corporate executive pay as a multiple of the lowest paid employee as some kind of measure of overpayment to the executive?

What if we did it in reverse?  What if we took the logical opposite and applied that rule?

If an executive makes 847 times more than the lowest paid employee, if labor markets are efficient, then by default doesn't that mean the lowest paid employee is only 1 847th as productive?

What if we, with the same hatred, vitriol, envy, and bigotry the left has, skewed the lower classes claiming they're only

1/847th as productive?
1/847th as smart?
1/847th as hard working?

Oh, don't get me wrong.  You don't have to convince me that most corporeate executives get there through non-meritorious means (look it up), but you can't simply say this disparity between CEO and entry level pay is solely because of "big bad meanie" executives.  I would say the majority of it has to do with why entry level people are making as little as they are.

In other words, the single dad, who didn't graduate from high school, who works at the local McDonald's and can well...do basic subtraction and addition, does not compare to the CEO who has her MBA, CFA, CPA, can balance books and knows how to interpret statistical marketing reports and knocks out 80 hours a week.  And you can let your emotions and ideology get in the way, but it doesn't matter.  That is why CEO and executives make more than the noobs.  They're older, they have experience, and they busted their asses off.

Now you can get mad about this.  You can go ahead and protest, but you know what's great? 

Let's say you get your little $15 an hour.

Let's say the minimum wage goes up to $10/hour.


Yep, robots.

You see, you're so unskilled that you're only about $3/hour a way from being replaced by robots.  Yes, they are complex, yes they are advanced, but you know something?

They shut the ef up and do their job.  They're never late, they never "um oh, like, yeah, I'm um sick" and they don't breed illegitimate children, let alone get an entitlement complex.  So much so they can replace you.

Don't like that?


That's reality and I'm trying to help you realize that rather than kiss your ass like Obama or Oprah.

So it's up to you kiddies.  Do you want to whine and complain only to be replaced by robots (or in other cases, illegal aliens) OR do you want to go to school for a real reason, stop making stupid decisions, and only have to work at McDonald's to make ends meet until you're on to bigger and better things?

Oh, that's right.  YOu'd have to try.

Best to sit there and wallow in your pity and envy and do nothing.
You have just read the article entitled Low Level Employees Are Only Worth 1/847th of an Executive. Please read the article from Captain Sushil Kumar About https://captainsushilkumar.blogspot.com/2013/12/low-level-employees-are-only-worth.html


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