Nelson Mandela - Kill Whites

I have largely stayed away from the Nelson Mandela debate because I was ignorant about him.  Aside from what was shoved down my throat in the 80's, I never paid attention to the man.  Well, through factual research my opinion on Nelson Mandela has now officially solidified from what my socialist teachers told me to think of him to the truth.

He was a communist and probably a racist.  And I don't have time to tolerate assholes, let alone keep up the charade the government/media/education complex wants me to.  And if you don't like that fact he was a racist communist, then you really have to ask yourself (especially if you're white) why you would support somebody singing songs about killing white people?  I mean, if you're that brainwashed to defend a guy who is singing songs about killing you, then bravo, bravo educational and government establishment.  You got people to adhere to an ideology over their own lives.

In the meantime he was a despicable person despite the good he did in South Africa. My opinion will change when historical FACTS (not education or media brainwashing) warrant otherwise.
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