Of course I can't always do this, but have managed to do it a handful of times. It is the least real people working real jobs producing real economic wealth can do to the parasites.
Why I Charge Union Members Double
When I can, I usually charge union members double, sometimes triple.
Of course I can't always do this, but have managed to do it a handful of times. It is the least real people working real jobs producing real economic wealth can do to the parasites. You have just read the article entitled Why I Charge Union Members Double. Please read the article from Captain Sushil Kumar About https://captainsushilkumar.blogspot.com/2013/11/why-i-charge-union-members-double.html
Of course I can't always do this, but have managed to do it a handful of times. It is the least real people working real jobs producing real economic wealth can do to the parasites.
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