Proof American Girls are Dumb: One Directions

Never heard of them.

The reason I never heard of them is because they did not exist until 48 hours ago.

But since some media and marketing executives create them, I have had nothing but an annoying and constant barrage of Yahoo "News" (COUGH COUGH PHLEGM PHLEGM) and other media outlets about

"One Directions"

Look, girls.  Don't you think it's about time you "girl up" to your presumed "independent" and "intelligent" reputations American media constantly shoves down my throat?

I mean, you're all so independent.
You're all so smart.
You're all so everything.

And yet, the money in Hollywood is you're so stupid, you're going to swallow whole (pun intended until they take down Miley Ray Syphilis) the latest dumbass boy band.

And you know what, you most likely will.

For once, I find myself aligned with my sworn enemies - the feminists.  EVEN THEY can see through this corporatist pablum.  They'll tell you the same thing I am, which means (for once) we can't possibly be wrong. 

Oh, I know, I know, Hollywood has figured out the magic formula for tweens and teens.  And this is merely hypothesizing (look it up, it's word dearies) on my part you're capable of being smart enough to ignore this blatant placation (look up both words dearies) to your genetics.  But something tells me you're going to ignore this anyway because "they're so hot" or "they're so cute."

And something tells me the canard (look it up dearies) that "girls mature faster than boys" will continue.

You kids enjoy the decline....never mind, you'll never get the pun.
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