The Closest You'll Get to Economic Utopia

While liberals and leftists do their best to create an economic utopia on Earth, and the best they can come up with is Detroit or North Korea, I've been fortunate enough to experience the closest humanity will ever come to a genuine economic utopia - an all inclusive resort.

You may chuckle a little bit here or there, but I am being serious.  All inclusive resorts (the ones without Mexicans or the locals constantly harassing you with trinkets) are precisely what economists, knowingly or not, are aiming for, and let me explain why.

First, I had to turn off my cell phone and laptop.  There was no internet or cell phone reception.  This forced me NOT to work.  Not only did it force me not to work, but because it was not an option, I never worried or fretted about it.  Work was no longer an issue.  Completely eliminated from my options and therefore completely eliminated from my mind.

Second, all your necessities are taken care of.  Food, clothing, shelter.  Yes, I had to work up the money to pay for them, but for a wonderful week it was the epitome of true unlimited resources.  I could drink until my liver puked, eat until I puked, sleep in my room, and not worry about anything.  I would not starve, and thus my lizard brain was not worried about hunting for food or providing for myself.

Third, with all the basics covered, the entirety of my efforts were focused on recreation and fun.  I don't think many people get to experience this, even those with unlimited resources.  You're always worried or focused on maintaining or increasing your wealth that you never take the time to enjoy it.  But (again) with leisure forced on you via no internet or cell phone access, you finally forgive yourself for not working and can finally let loose.  I think I played volleyball for 8 hours one day, snorkeled for a couple hours the next, laid on the lazy river for 10, and did waterslides for 20 (I also hosted races with some of the kids to see who had the best time, and yes, I dominated as I knew the technique of slingshotting yourself at the beginning of the slide).

Of course I knew the all inclusive resort was a fleeting phenomenon, and I would soon return to my (horrible) life of waking up at 1030AM, afternoon Rumpies, and writing for 4 hours, but I did have an epiphany or at least an observation:

Would not the all-inclusive resort be the best form of retirement?

As it stands right now, the United States and most European nations so heavily tax their citizenry that 2nd world countries can provide an all-inclusive resort for a fraction of the cost of most 1st world nursing homes.  And if you can afford a nursing home for the last ten years of your life, why not save up your pennies and nickels for the last 20 years of your life at an all-inclusive resort?

Naturally, you wouldn't want to stay at just one resort, but perhaps join a club like "Club Med," but a cheaper version.  You'd be allowed to travel, visit different resorts, but know for a "lifetime membership" you'd have food and shelter covered until you're dead.  I would have to run the figures, but I have so much faith in the leftist idiots that populate and increasingly run the US that the day will come (if it isn't already here) all-inclusive resorts are more affordable than most retirement communities in the US.
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