When People's Lives Are Beyond Repair

A common comment I get about my books, even my classes is "if this had only been around 10 years ago." Or "if I had only read this when I was a kid."  It's a nice compliment that I take kindly and know that while my various literary works may not be able to help "everyone," it will help those that it can in the future.

Contrast this with a much less common comment I receive, though I still do receive it - that my literary works are largely only beneficial to young men without children.  Men who aren't divorced or don't have alimony to pay.  And that if you're a single parent, with student loans, and didn't save for retirement and are rapidly approaching 50, my books are pretty darn worthless.

While the two comments may seem different, they are essentially the same thing.  The only difference is the person making it.

If you've made mistakes in your past (intentionally, unknowingly, or not) and realize and admit you made said mistakes, you are the type to say, "Wow, where was this book 20 years ago?"  However, if you made some of those exact same mistakes, and then say, "Well, this book is worthless, how is it supposed to help me," then you are the type of person who has yet to fully realize the consequences your mistakes in the past and still lingers out for hope that there is a solution.

And I am here to say, "Sorry, I'm not a miracle worker."

Because of what I believe to be an overly optimistic media, public school system, and especially movies, Americans (of all political stripes) have been led to believe that "the good guy always wins."  That "no problem or threat is so great, it can end you."  Or that "no problem is insurmountable and there is always a solution at the end that will save the day."

And I am here to tell you, "sorry, it just ain't so."  It is VERY POSSIBLE that you make such critically bad decisions that you will permanently screw up your life, to which there are no solutions.  And there's nothing you, nor I, nor anybody can do anything to solve it.

For example I eviscerated this woman who went $163,000 into debt to get a "Design" degree.  Not so much for that action in itself, but in her plea that "congress or Barack Obama" (read you and me) "do something about this." (she has since made it clear that she does not want a bail out so please do not harass her anymore).  But she exemplifies the point of somebody who made disastrous decisions and now vainly looks for a solution, to which there is none.  Sadly her life is f*cked.  She has no other option but to pay the price and endure it.

Another example are teenagers who get pregnant.  Their brains, only about 75% developed, are incapable of fully comprehending just how thoroughly and fully they've destroyed their lives.  But worse, pickled in an environment of "single mom heroism," "the youth are our future," "you can do anything you want," and other public school/media feel-good BS, they overestimate themselves, their position in society, and their future capacity for success.  This not only prevents them from fully assessing their real situation in life, but more often than not leads to them making even MORE life-crippling decisions (eg. the "empowered single mom" who goes further in debt, whilst at the same time outsourcing her child to daycare, so she can get a worthless degree that will not improve her employability)

Cite as many examples as we want, the point is that people can make such horrendous decisions that they are beyond help.  They are beyond repair.  There is no possible solution or recovery.  Their lives, their one shots at life,  are literally ruined, are literally over, and their only option is to suffer their remaining days on this planet in misery. 

The question is whether they come to terms with this reality or they vainly and futilely search for a solution that does not exist.  Whichever of the two they choose, I don't care.  But for the Patron Saint's Name of Frick, don't DEMAND other people come up with solutions to your impossible-to-solve problems.

This evil, mean, hate-filled, though 100% truthful post brought to you by Asshole Consulting.

Asshole Consulting - the only consulting company specializing in truth.
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