A True Story About Communism

From our Son of a Communist Worker in the Field:

Communism is the application and enforcement of flawed socialist economics by firing squad.

To illustrate let me tell you a true story of what happened to my mother on a Kolkhoz (state farm) in the former Workers Paradise.

My mother was assigned to a dairy farm, to help milk the cows and other duties as befitting a farm girl. The farm had a quota which was to be picked up and delivered to the milk processing plants. As long as the cows were healthy and happy, the quota was maintained.

One day, however, the cows got sick and milk production dropped to less than half the assigned quota. A few days later the commissars came by to investigate. The commissars refused to accept the fact that the cows were sick and accused the farm manager of stealing the milk. My mother said that he just went white as a sheet. They also threatened the manager and half the staff, including my mother with execution if the thefts didn't stop.

The manager said that he would take steps to ensure that from now on full quota would be delivered on time.

Of course the cows were still sick and couldn't provide the volume of milk required to fulfil the quota.

The solution? Simply top up the half empty milk containers with well water and voila, quota met.

Socialism, Communism Fascism and Nazism are all branches of the same tree and ALL are EVIL.

I want all the little spoiled brat American children who live off of the innovations and savings and (now) credit/borrowings capitalism created/allowed for to pay attention.

The least of your problems will be that you can't afford the iPhone 7 when your ignorance manifests itself in something similar to the USSR.  And there will be no better deserving generation than the OWS'ers.

Oh well, Enjoy the Decline!
You have just read the article entitled A True Story About Communism. Please read the article from Captain Sushil Kumar About https://captainsushilkumar.blogspot.com/2014/03/a-true-story-about-communism.html


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