The Deteriorating Intellect of Leftists

As I've aged not only have I gained more and more insight and wisdom from hindsight, but I've noticed that society has changed along with me.  Men indeed are becoming wimpier, women more manly, people dumber and more gullible, and institutions more machiavellian.  The majority of society's trends are unfortunately downward or regressive, but it is not under my control, nor my concern.  I can only accept these truths as reality and tailor my actions and decisions accordingly.

However, one of the more prominent trends that affects my "profession" directly has been understanding and acknowledging the progressively deteriorating mental condition of leftists.  In the embryonic stages of this blog my primary purpose in setting up "Captain Capitalism" was because I was sick and tired of being the sole "republican/conservative" at the various 20 something parties I attended in liberal Minneapolis.  Sure enough somebody would out me, I'd have a cacophony of emasculated liberal males attacking me to display their oneupmanship in the hopes of sleeping with a harry-armpitted-South-Minneapolis female, and while I didn't start it, I would most definitely finish it.  Of course this ruined the party and so I decided that it would be beneficial for my social life to have some key data and charts readily available on the internet that would pre-emptively end any political arguments, allow the party to continue uninterrupted, and me not ending up the "right wing nazi asshole" by the end of the evening.

But something funny happened.

After no less than 5 years of compiling empirical data, terabytes of charts, and what I consider to be one of the best depositories of economic data in the world, I noticed not ONE leftist was ever convinced or even phased by the preponderance of evidence I had amassed on my blog.  They would claim "X," I would show them "Y," and then they would execute the most cowardly and delusional mental acrobatics to weasel out of it.  It was until no more than 3 years ago that I finally realized leftists had absolutely NO desire to seek out reality or truth, but rather preferred to have a religion or belief system that made their fragile psychies and egos feel good.

This had a significant effect on my blog and other online activities as I no longer wasted my time compiling empirical economic data or statistics.  Why would I waste my time compiling data, when I would get responses like "well my perception is reality?"  The left has absolutely no intention of having an intellectually honest discussion.  Ergo the switch some of you may have noticed from pure, hard-core economics to mockery, ridicule, philosophy, Manosphere, and antagonism.  But while this observation provided the impetus for the switch of focus on my blog, it also opened my eyes to a much larger and deeper phenomenon - the decaying intellectual capacity of leftists.

The absolute absence of any desire to be honest, truthful, and seeking reality at 20 something parties was just the tip of the ice berg.  It was a symptom of a much larger problem.  Here were presumed "adults," college educated even, who would have a glass of water put in front of them and when told "that is a glass of water" lacked the ability to acknowledge it for what it was.  This delusion or denial was just the first  of many symptoms of a decaying intellect.

The second thing I noticed was leftist mind's inability to handle literalness vs. general points.  A perfect example is where Tom Leykis always always always has to correct his female callers when they call in and say,

"Oh yeah!!!!???  Well my friend, she's 55 and never married and SHE DOESN'T HAVE CATS!!!!"

Instead of listening to the general point being made about most people who are female, 55, and have cats, the leftist ignores the general overall point attempting to be made and scrambles to find an anecdote or a datapoint that disproves the overall point.

Forget the overall point wasn't literally saying, ALL women who are 55 and single have cats, no just desperately try to find the outlier example that does not follow the general rule.

On the flip side, the leftist mind shows the capacity to be literal when it chooses.  I've written scores of paragraphs, making a concise point, abbreviating the logic so it is easier to the readership.  And mercy do they point out the gaps  or the inconsistencies.  I wish I could provide an example, but the criticisms are so petty and not-germane to the topic, none come to mind right now.

Regardless, what this once again proves is the leftist mind has no desire to adhere to reality.  Only support the religion/script.  So it has the ability to CHOOSE to be literal when it wants to be, and general when it doesn't.

This third sign of mental decay was the inability of leftists to adhere to any kind of logic.  I never thought logic a great or incredible skill because I think the brain is naturally programmed to unconsciously incorporate "if then" "and" "a=b, b=c, then c=a" and other proof-type logic into debate and conversation.  But apparently it must be a herculean task to adhere to because leftists just seem immune to logic.

They lack ANY capacity to be logical, let alone adhere to any kind of linear argument.  Ergo, while you may think "OK, I can't beat them with an empirical argument, so I'll get them on logic," forget it.  Once you paint them into an inescapable corner, they either engage in intellectual dishonesty to make it seem their position is logically tenable, or they switch the topic of conversation, usually accusing you of an "ism" of sorts.

This leads to the fourth symptom of a deteriorating mind - non-sequitur arguments.

If you and I were having a debate about dogs and I all of the sudden started talking about cats, you might wonder if I had a few screws loose.  If we were talking about the best way to get to Sturgis and then I bring up the route to Tallahassee, you might wonder if you shouldn't have carpooled with somebody else.  But when a leftist switches the debate from the crushing debt we're destroying our children with to "Oh yeah, well Reagan had death squads in Central America!" that's viewed as "intelligent" or "strategic."

No, it's not.  It's a mental flaw.  A mental impairment.  A sign of a dysfunctioning and inadequate intellect.  If you pulled that kind of switcheroo off as a 9 year old boy in the 4th grade you'd be given Ritalin.

Naturally anybody who's argued with a leftist or paid the slightest bit of attention when debating one, has observed and witnessed these symptoms.  Perhaps some of you, after bashing your head into a wall trying to actually argue with a leftist, had the wisdom to acknowledge they were mentally handicapped and stopped.  But most recently, I've found evidence that the leftist intellect is deteriorating even further.  And mental deterioration in this specific category has scary ramifications:

Leftists are losing the ability to understand satire and sarcasm.

It was a spate of hate-filled, curse-laden, death-threat-full comments in the past couple of months that made me realize leftists are starting to lose their ability to discern sarcasm and joshing.  One instance was a podcast or video (I can't remember which) where I was opining about what celebrities I could take in a fight.

Bono, no.
Clooney, probably not.
Matt Damon, unfortunately no.
But Leonardo DiCaprio, sure!

Was I REALLY going to challenge any of these people to fights?
Do I REALLY want to beat up Leonardo DiCaprio?

But in comes the tirade about how "I'm not a real man" and "Look at the pussy acting all macho" and "You never served like in Nam, have you ever hunted man" and "I know a ditch you'd fill well" etc. etc. as if I was actually serious about fighting Hollywood celebrities.

It was this instance combined with others that made me realize leftists take everything you say seriously and no longer can tell when you are kidding.  They can't take a joke.  They can't laugh.  They are so serious and insecure about their politics, their intellect no longer has the capacity for humor.

And this is why it is scary.

Humor, it is my humble belief, is proof of a high intellect.  Squirrels don't laugh.  Cows don't cut jokes.  But humans do.  It is humor that not only makes humans human, but is also the primary reason I believe there is a god and that humans are indeed special (besides, theology aside, comedians as a group have surprisingly high IQ's).   So when a human no longer shows the capacity to identify and appreciate humor, it shows a regression in their mental capacity.  This isn't to say all leftists don't appreciate a good joke, but i have noticed the preference (or perhaps purposeful choice) of leftists to take offense and umbrage, and then display rage and anger at something that was patently sarcasm.  You combine this inability to discern humor with all the other aforementioned mental deficiencies (lack of intellectual honesty, lack of logic, problems with literalness, non-sequiturism) and the ramifications are indeed scary, namely... 

The liberal zombie.

To be blunt, when you try to talk reality and sense to a leftist today, they more often than not end up getting angry, sometimes rageful.  And while most won't throw a punch, what if they were starving?  What if they were unemployed and constantly teetering on the verge of poverty?  What if they were brought up under an environment of constant brainwashing, hate, bigotry, and classism?  What if the EBT, TANF, and WIC checks suddenly bounced in an economic melt-down?

Do you really think you're going to be able to sit there, with a mob of starving leftists charging you saying,

"No, wait, you don't understand.  You see the Chinese cut off our funding and so the federal government had to print money to meet this quarter's social spending demands, but this triggered inflation and is why those checks have lost 90% of their purchasing power.  You see, if we just vote for fiscal austerity this next election cycle and reform our social programs, we can reverse this?"

These people, even the college educated ones, scoffed and did Cirque de Solei level mental acrobatics to dismiss your literal and factual chart.  Do you think they're, let alone their ignorant mass-sheeple counterparts are going to pay attention, let alone heed your arguments?

The sad truth is you aren't dealing with sane mental individuals.  You really aren't.  This is not hyperbole or rhetoric.  This isn't even to slander leftists for political reasons.  It's factual.

Leftists are mentally impaired.

And if their deteriorating ability to laugh at humor is any indication, it looks like they're getting worse.

Perhaps all that zombie ammo in the stores isn't a joke.


Aaron Clarey is a mean, evil, right wing libertarian who hates everybody, but especially women and minorities.  He lives at home in his mother's basement and is a 42 year old virgin who can't get any.  He writes stuff, but you should ignore it because of his CISgenderedness-privilege-white-maleness.

He is the author of "Enjoy the Decline," "Worthless" and "Bachelor Pad Economics", has a Youtube Channel, and is host of The Clarey Podcast.

You should buy them so you can burn them because burning books is good, unless you're a Nazi, then it's bad.  You should also do a Youtube video about what a jerk he is, especially if you're a 20 something college student who think you know everything.
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