Capital Flight - The Next Frontier

First it was the housing bubble.  Then it was the education bubble.  The death of marriage and the exit of men from the sexual market place was always an undercurrent.  And the retirement bubble was there too.  But I believe as the US continues does the road of socialism and its debt becomes increasingly unsupportable, the next "stage" will be capital flight.

Not today
Not tomorrow

But I believe over the next decade the productive people of the United States will be looking for greener pastures, especially those who are younger, have their lives ahead of them, and do not have anything to root them down to this socialist, diversity, feminism, wealth-transferring Titanic. 

I am terribly naive and uninformed about this realm however.  Sure I've read some Escape Artist, and I've followed Nomad Capitalist, but truthfully, I don't have enough money to make it worth while leaving the US.  Therefore, I've really had no incentive to "find an offshore tax haven" or "move to Bermuda."  But that's just the point.  It's no longer whether you have millions of dollars and want to avoid a 50% tax rate.  It's becoming bad enough that there just aren't any jobs for young people.  Laws and regulations are becoming too onerous, even tyrannical, and sociologically the government, teachers, and the education system is training people to hate people of different colors and races.  These political and non-financial reasons are why most people should be considering things like:

another bank account overseas
purchasing property overseas
secondary passports
or at least having an escape plan

it is also why you may want to consider attending the "Passport to Freedom."

I'm going to be speaking there, along with keynote speaker Peter Schiff and many others.  I'm actually looking forward to it because I am only speaking about one narrow aspect of capital flight, while expecting to learn much more from others.  Besides, it's Vegas.  How fun would it be to get hammered in Vegas?

Jan. 23rd - 25th.  Escape the cold, have some fun, learn something valuable in the process.
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